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Are the Words of the Qur’an Spoken by Allah?
Question: Here is a question asked by my a Hindu
friend. Hope you can answer it for me. According to the Muslims, the
Qur’an contains the words of God. It is to be read as if God Himself had
spoken these words stated in it. (It is important to emphasize this
point because if the Qur’an is the word of God, then it should not
contain any errors and it should hold true for all times.) However, such
is not the case. One of these errors is that some of the verses in the
Qur’an themselves show clearly that they were obviously spoken by
Mohammed and not by God. For example:
I take refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. (113:1)
For me, I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city, Him
Who has sanctified it and to whom [Belong] all things; and I am
commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to Allah’s Will. (27:91)
Should I seek other judge than God, when it is He who has sent down
to you, the distinguishing book [the Qur’an]? (6:114)
Someone need not be a rocket-scientist to comprehend that these words
are clearly addressed to God, Any sane person can see that
these words are not spoken by Him but by Mohammed (sws) himself. So how
can the whole of the Qur’an be considered the word of God?
Answer: : I am afraid that your Hindu friend has not
stated the stance of the Muslims correctly. When Muslims say that
the Qur’an is the word of Allah, it means that whatever has been
mentioned in it is divinely revealed by Allah. It does not mean that at
all its verses are spoken by Allah alone.
Your friend has pointed out just one of the sources of these verses –
the Prophet Muhammad (sws). If he can go through
the Qur’an a bit more, he will find that it contains statements from
Satan, from the pagans, from the hypocrites, from the Christians, Jews
etc. Similarly, it contains passages from Allah directly, from Gabriel
and from the previous Prophets. However, the words of all these passages
are revealed from Allah. It is because of being revealed by Allah that
the Qur’an is called the Word of Allah; it
is not that each word is spoken by Allah: neither the Qur’an nor the
Muslims have ever claimed this.