The message of death
A pilot of our air force once narrated to me a personal
experience of a lifetime: one that shook his imagination to the core
and transformed his subsequent behavior in life completely. .
Living Hajj
Why does a vast majority of Muslims not perform Hajj? Do they not
realize its importance? What are they doing here
after all? Why are they wasting time? Don't they know that the most
unreliable partner in life is life itself?
When does
Hajj become obligatory?
As soon as a person has arranged for his basic necessities of life like
food, clothing, health, house, transport, and
education, he should try to raise money for performing Hajj.
If you have questions, reservations or doubts about Islam,
please send email at
Leap in the Quran
-The Mutashabihat of the Quran
-Are the Words
of the Quran Spoken by Allah?
-Do Angels Have
custody of minors
Can female Muslims opt for modeling?
instead of Qurbani?
-What if Qurbani is not possible?
Can liquor be used as a medicine?
Shaking Hands with a Woman