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The Need of the Hour        Athar Siddiqui

 In our efforts to adjust in a foreign land, we have tried, some what successfully, to become  one with the Japanese society; learning from the Japanese way of life , living it, and teaching the Japanese a little of our own ways. 

While all of us strive in this generous part of the world for a better life; and the means for its attainment, this land, and its people have been kind to us, giving us warmth and compassion   in return for our efforts.  Nevertheless, all of us have one common source of discontentment  the education of our children. Our children an education which not only gives them the knowledge of our religion, cultural heritage, moral and social values, a rational approach towards life, but also equips them to handle the challenges of tomorrow without losing touch with their yesterday; who they are, and their purpose in life. It is quite easy for these, our hopes of tomorrow, to study in Japanese schools. This would undoubtedly arm them with the understanding of the society they live in, and the environment in which they are growing up but this education would come at a cost of our religious, and social upbringing.

 An alternative to this is to educate them in Pakistan, Dubai or Sharjah, but this divides the family, and negates the very purpose of our migration to this land in the first place, to speak nothing of the countless social problems that we might face because of a divided family.

 What we desperately need at this point is school for our children.  

 Set up on the pattern of Pakistani community schools in the Middle East, this school could    be affiliated with Pakistan’s Federal Board of Education and other International Educations authorities, with the curriculum tailored to suit the needs of our own society, and that of the Japanese.

This school is more than dream. It is necessity. Initially, we can start with kindergarten or primary education and 35-40 students will be sufficient and upgrade to secondary and higher secondary levels as the first batch progresses.  A group of qualified teachers and staff  working together is essential. Within ten years, we can have for ourselves, an education system that caters to both our needs as Pakistanis, and as member s of the Japanese society.   If you have any suggestion, or would like to comment on this idea, please feel free to e-mail your thoughts to info@nawaetokyo.com



Please Your Heart and Palate With Olive Oil

Need to Hour